International Senior citizen day

21st August 2023
International Senior citizen day

Today International Senior Citizen day is being celebrated in the world.

Our Indian Govt. is not serious about the welfare of Senior Citizen in India.

What we need : 

1. Atleast 50% discount in all public transport and  priority seats. 

2. 1% extra interest on FD and other deposits and 100% safety of all type of deposits.

3. Special counters in banks, hospitals and other public places.

4. Free medical facilities to the Poor's.

5. Special recreation centres and public libraries in town.

6. Public to give respect to the Sr Citizens in all public areas.

7. Special camps and programs to be organised.

8. Social security schemes.

9. Senior citizen ID cards are to be issued by central government for easy identification.

10. Govt employees are getting pension but private senior citizens are not having any pension, Govt. must think about them.

11 Income upto 10Lacs must be exempted because major amount goes for medical expenses.

12. IT Refunds on priority

13  Free legal services

14  Any other beneficial services.

This list is very small list and there are so many other points to be noted.

Very sad to say Our PM and many other Ministers are also Senior Citizens but they never thought about us.


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