Quotes लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Quotes लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

Reading books

Reading Books....

I love reading books. Do you?????

My suggestion
1. Please miss a meal but don’t miss a Book. 
2. Book is a gift that you can open again and again. 
3. A home without Books is like a body without a soul. 

1. Reading Books makes you better.
2. Books are uniquely portable magic.

So read good books of your choice...

जीवन के रंग

People and you....

I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
- Maya Angelou


प्रिय मित्रों

इस छोटी सी जिंदगी में अगर आप कुछ ना कर पाओ तो कम से कम पथ प्रदर्शक तो बन ही सकते हो.

कहते हैं की...

अपने लिए जिये तो क्या जिये
तू जी ए दिल जमाने के लिए..


Best English Quotes

Best English quotes...

A positive attitude is a person's passport to a better tomorrow
- Unknown

Never underestimate your power to change yourself.
- H Jackson Brown Jr.

Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day, for good or bad.
- unknown

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
- William Shakespeare

Nurture your mind with great thoughts.
- Benjamin Disraeli

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
- Albert Einstein

If you can dream it, you can do it.
- Walt Disney

अक्सर हम भी
खुली किताब होते हैं
क्या करें जब
पढ़ने वाले ही अनपढ़ होते हैं..
@ गणेश