If a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking.
"If there is something I can d ?
Think up something appropriate and do it.

Before you speak .... Listen
Before you write..... Think
Before you spend..... Earn
Before you criticise.... Wait
Before you pray.... Forgive
Before you quit..... Try

Make difference to all the lives you touch.
When you build your character, every deed counts.....
so do always good.....

Life gives answers in three ways. 
It says yes and gives whatever you want.
It says no and gives you something better,
It says wait and gives you the best.
If you are committed to your dream.
You will win anyways.

Make difference to all the lives you touch.
When you build your character, every deed counts....

The next time you are experiencing
one of those bad times or unhappy moments,
Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.
If the going gets tough and you are at your breaking point:
show resilience.

There are two eternities that can really break you down.
Yesterday and Tomorrow. One is gone and the other does not exist.
So live today......

Be nice and smile to everyone you meet. 
You do not know what they are going through,
and they might just need that smile.
At least for a moment, it would make a lot of difference to them...

Life is like sea.
Explore life.
Reach for new harbors as you pass through different
phases of life.
Make friends on each destination.
Enjoy your journey...

In life just do not trust people,
who change their feelings with time.....
Instead trust those people whose
feelings remain the same,
even when the time changes....

No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation,
you can always do something.
on every turn of life, you will always have a choice.
And that choice can be your power.

It is not enough to have lived. Be determined to live for something.
It should be creating joy for others.
working for the betterment of society.
sharing what we have, bringing hope to the lost,
and giving love to the lonely.

Om shri Ganeshaya Namh:

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